Skeleton Crew: Jude Law discusses his love of Star Wars and who shot first

The star of the upcoming Skeleton Crew "can't really remember life before Star Wars."
Jod Na Nawood (Jude Law) is closely examined by security droid eyestalks while his young partners stand back in Lucasfilm's STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Justin Lubin. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
Jod Na Nawood (Jude Law) is closely examined by security droid eyestalks while his young partners stand back in Lucasfilm's STAR WARS: SKELETON CREW, exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Justin Lubin. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

Jude Law has twice been nominated for Academy Awards and has played such memorable roles as Albus Dumbledore, Captain Hook, and Dr. Watson. He is slated to be a central character in the upcoming Skeleton Crew, and he spoke in an exclusive interview with People magazine about the role of Star Wars in his love of film.


According to the remarks made at the recent D23 Expo via People, Law discussed the role the franchise had on his childhood:

"I think it's fair to say I can't really remember life before Star Wars. I mean Star Wars and the phenomenon of that first film was all encompassing for children of that age... Then another came out and sort of just expanded the world even more... So, it had a profound and very impactful effect on my childhood in a wonderful, wonderful way."
Jude Law

He was nine or ten at the time of the original movie's release and said of Skeleton Crew, "That's beautiful about this particular series is the protagonists are exactly that age. So the four leads are the children that we all were seeing for the first time thrown into that universe." He has also said that "the first word that comes to [his] mind" about the series is "joyful." One aspect of that is that it is "very much a piece about working together and overcoming fears and overcoming... perhaps [one's] opinion of oneself or one's own weaknesses in order to succeed."

Who shot first?

Law also spoke with Entertainment Weekly about one of his convictions where Star Wars is concerned. Law's character in Skeleton Crew is full of mystery, but the actor is clear on one thing: Han shot first.

In the original film, A New Hope, Han stopped a bounty hunter from bringing him in by shooting him in the famous cantina. It was remastered in the 1990s special editions to show that they both fired shots and Han's hit its mark. Asked about this, Law emphatically replied:

"I have no qualms...Han shot [Greedo] in cold blood...And that was the way it was always meant to be. Han all the way. And that's why we love him."
Jude Law

We look forward to Star Wars: Skeleton Crew arriving on Disney+ on December 3.