Tales of the Empire episode 6, "The Way Out," delivers an emotional rollercoaster that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. Set years after Barris Offee’s encounter with Lyn Rakish, also known as the Fourth Sister, the episode dives deep into Barris's journey of redemption.
The cold open (pun intended) to a frosty wasteland sets the mysterious tone for the episode. One of my favorite moments of the episode is Barris's portrayal as "the healer." It was incredibly refreshing to hear of Barris using her abilities to aid others, showcasing her dedication to helping those in need to make up for her bad deeds. It was also a nice callback to her Star Wars Legends lore.
Throughout the episode, Barris's mastery of her skills is on full display. Effortlessly dodging Lyn's attacks is nothing short of mesmerizing. Watching her easily evade her lightsaber without even fighting back was so much fun. Barris has honed her abilities to a razor-sharp edge, making her a formidable opponent even without resorting to violence. But even though they were fighting, it was also clear that Barris was concerned for her. This shows itself when Barris tries to warn her about following the family through the caves, telling her she will not be able to find her way back out.
It was a really interesting scene when we saw Lyn struggling to keep her sanity when she was faced with the identical walls of the ice cave. Barris is right about not making it out unless you know the way. But "the way" isn't knowing the path but actually knowing the right mindset.
However, the episode takes a shocking turn when Lyn accidentally impales Barris in a fit of rage. The gasp-inducing moment had me on the edge of my seat, as I never expected Barris to meet such a tragic end. But even in her seemingly final moments, Barris's forgiveness towards Lyn serves as a nice reminder of her commitment to a good mindset post-realization of her past misdeeds.
The cherry on top of this action and insight-filled episode is when Lyn actually does make it out of the cave after all. All because she was determined to get Barris out of there. When she shed her evil selfishness and embraced doing good, she was able to find her way out, just like Barris said. It was such a heartwarming outcome set against the snowy setting.
And perhaps Barriss isn't actually dead, since the ending was a bit ambiguous.
Tales of the Empire's "The Way Out" is a thrilling and emotional journey that delivers on all fronts as a great conclusion to the series. From Barris's portrayal as "the healer" to her epic showdown with Lyn or their confrontation in the ice cave, the episode is filled with heart-pounding moments that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode serves as a perfect end to Barris's story, showcasing the power of redemption and the triumph of good morals in the face of adversity. I wouldn't have expected a story of the empire to end on a good note, but I am delightfully surprised. This happy conclusion makes for a great balance with the tragic conclusion of Morgan Elsbeth's story to even out the good and bad vibes of the series.