What if Luke Skywalker joined his father on the dark side? What would have happened if Padme Amidala had found Anakin Skywalker's advances too creepy instead of endearing? Is there a universe where Kylo Ren could have joined Han Solo instead of killing him? In a universe as vast as Star Wars, there is already a sandbox of possibilities to explore. Considering alternative scenarios from the stories we know and love is just one more way for fans to play within the franchise.
Recently, the voice cast of The Clone Wars attended a panel at Fan Expo Denver and were asked what their favorite "What If" stories would be. As an attendee of their panel, here is what I learned.
Dee Bradley Baker
As the voice of the clones, Dee Bradley Baker had a number of characters to consider for his answer. In the end, he chose to focus on Fives, the clone who learned the truth about Order 66 and died trying to tell the Jedi about the plot against them. In his scenario, Fives would successfully warn the Jedi about Palpatine's plan and eventually "retire and start a tauntaun farm." As lighthearted as this imagined outcome is, it is fascinating to consider what may have happened had Fives succeeded. After that point, the entire cannon future of Star Wars is in question. Would Palpatine have been forced to launch his plans early? With the element of surprise gone, he might never have succeeded. Would Anakin, then, have remained on the light side of the Force? Undoubtedly, it would all make for an exciting "What If" episode.
Ashley Eckstein
Ashley Eckstein presented two wildly different episode concepts to explore. In the first, she wondered what would have happened if Ahsoka had joined Maul. As his new apprentice, what would Ahsoka and Maul have accomplished together? Would Ahsoka have fallen into his Dark ways or could they have interfered with Palpatine's plan? Either way, it is a much darker topic than Eckstein's other idea. Inspired by a fan theory created after Ahsoka left the Jedi, she posited that Ahsoka would start a space pony farm. Although it may appear a bit out of character, Ahsoka could use it as a healing experience after a lifetime of war. Instead of being pulled back into more conflict, she may found joy in her new venture.

Matt Lanter
Matt Lanter presented a fan-favorite alternative universe scenario: a world where Anakin and Padme lived happily ever after on Naboo. Instead of turning to the dark side, Anakin leaves the Jedi Order and helps Padme raise Luke and Leia. Lanter pictured the star-crossed lovers finally having a public wedding and living together without the stresses of political pressures or the Jedi rules. Would Anakin and Padme have succeeded as a couple without the forces that kept them apart? What would have happened to the Jedi without Anakin's influence? What originally appears a hopeful fantasy could quickly take a turn if Anakin is unsatisfied with a life away from war.
James Arnold Taylor
It cannot come as a surprise that the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi would choose to reunite his character with the beloved Satine Kryze. Her tragic death broke the hearts of fans everywhere. It would be a wonderful moment to see the two reunited, finding a way for their love to survive despite their opposing allegiances. Would they have continued a relationship in secret, or would Obi-Wan have been forced to leave the Jedi Order as he once considered many years ago? During his panel, James Arnold Taylor also stated that he would love to see a Tales of the Jedi series exploring Satine's early relationship with Obi-Wan, proving there is more than one way to make our "Obitine" dreams come true.
All of the scenarios presented in the panel show the passion each actor has for the Star Wars universe. After voicing their characters for so long, they have become fans of these stories just like us. If a Star Wars "What If" show was created, each of these ideas have the potential to become a wonderful episode. I hope we get to see these scenarios played out one day, with the help of these wonderful actors.