The Acolyte's director reveals her favorite Star Wars scene

What her choice might say about her upcoming project
Amandla Stenberg, Lee Jung-jae, and Leslye Headland behind the scenes of The Acolyte.
Amandla Stenberg, Lee Jung-jae, and Leslye Headland behind the scenes of The Acolyte.

In a recent interview with Discussing Film on the red carpet of Star Wars: The Acolyte, Director Leslye Headland was asked about her love of the franchise she is contributing to with a series premiere on June 4 and weekly episodes being released on subsequent Tuesdays. Her response was wonderfully detailed:

"I love the ending of Attack of the Clones. I love the wedding, when he touches her hand with the augmented robot hand. I just think it's beautiful. It portends what their future's going to be and that they love each other, but ultimately, there's this barrier that comes up between them. So, I think, really, whenever they ask me [about favorite parts of the movies], that's the moment that I think of. It's really cool."
Leslye Headland

This is a wonderful thing to hear from the person helming a live-action foray into the High Republic era of Star Wars. The Acolyte is set a century before the movies that make up the franchise. As this is an exploration of an era that is more recent in its appearances in Star Wars media, there are many unknown factors.

Headland's response implies that she is fully aware of both turning points and turns of the tide. Attack of the Clones ends with the rollout of the Grand Army of the Republic that precipitates the Clone Wars, and this is something that many of the characters in the movie have been risking their lives to prevent. It is a moment of defeat for those who were opposing the Military Creation Act, such as Bail Organa and Padme Amidala, and is another moment that foreshadows the Dark Times that we have known about since Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke about the fall of the Jedi in the first movie. Set against the aftermath of the catastrophic Battle of Geonosis and the outbreak of war is the wonderfully intimate union of Anakin and his angel.

Similarly, the upcoming series, which stars, among others, Amandla Stenberg and Carrie-Anne Moss, will have an eye on the traditions of the Jedi as well as uncertainties about the years that will pass between the time of the show and the moment when the Trade Federation blockades Naboo. There are certainly mysteries involved.

With the influence of someone so aware of portents and obstacles at the helm, The Acolyte is certainly something that I will be looking forward to.