I never like to sit down to report devastating Star Wars news. And while it might be a small thing compared to a movie update or news about an actor's health, as someone who has been a dedicated fan of Star Wars Hunters since long before the game was released, I come to you with a lot of feelings. But I must fulfill my duty, and first report the news.
Earlier today, the game's official website announced that after September of this year, Hunters will no longer be playable on any platform.
"The final content update for Star Wars: Hunters on all platforms will be on April 15th," the official announcement reads. "The game will remain playable until October 1st, 2025, when the game’s online servers will be shut down."
So the game isn't quite over yet. On April 15, the final new playable hunter will be released to everyone for free, as well as other content. While updates and the ability to make in-app purchases will no longer be available, players will still get to enjoy the game as-is with the final update until October 1.
Admittedly, there were clear issues from the start. Hunters was delayed numerous times before it finally released in June of last year. These things happen, and it doesn't take away from the fact that we got an amazing, fun, and memorable game from Day 1. But content updates have always been slow and minimal, including releases of new game modes. None of this or other common player complaints dulled my experience personally, but it's likely that some of these things and others may have factored into this untimely defeat.
Star Wars Hunters has been my favorite way to spend free time since the day it came out. I have gotten hours upon hours of joy out of it and playing with friends has enriched the experience even more. I had such high hopes that these characters would be around forever, and I'm not ready to say goodbye. The comfort this game has brought me during a very difficult period in my life is something even I can't put into words. It wasn't a perfect game, but that's why I loved it so much.
I'll continue playing until I can't anymore, and I'll do my best to make the most of every moment. Thank you to everyone who worked on this game and made it a special experience for players like me. Your work will not go unappreciated. I'll miss this. I know you will too.