This Week in Star Wars Comics: A comic shop Christmas

Win for digital comics this week
Darth Vader (Hayden Christensen) in Lucasfilm's OBI-WAN KENOBI, exclusively on Disney+. © 2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.
Darth Vader (Hayden Christensen) in Lucasfilm's OBI-WAN KENOBI, exclusively on Disney+. © 2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved. |

This Week in Star Wars Comics is coming in a bit late this week as there was much merriment for the holidays going on. Not that any comic shop was open on Christmas Day, so this was definitely a win for digital comic readers. Still, let's cover the two books that came out earlier this week.

This Week in Star Wars Comics is The Battle of Jakku - Last Stand and Darth Vader – Black, White & Red!

The Battle of Jakku — Last Stand #1

The final part of the comic event, The Battle of Jakku, kicked off this week! Last Stand is the final four issues that will bring the maxiseries to a close. The last part wrapped with what looked to be the defeat of Imperial Warlord Ubrik Adelhard. However, Adelhard is a hard man to kill despite his allies, The Acolytes of the Beyond and the Spice Runners of Kijimi, trying hard to do so. Facing off against the fledgling New Republic and on the edge of his own sanity, Adelhard takes on Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, and their forces, who have also suffered recent losses. Hope isn't lost, as it looks like a friendly face is finally back to help... Han Solo!

The Battle of Jakku — Last Stand #1 is written by Alex Segura, the illustrators are Leonard Kirk and Jethro Morales, and the cover artist is E.M. Gist. There is also a short story in this issue titled "False Histories" by Segura and Kirk.

Darth Vader – Black, White & Red

The one trade paperback out this week is a collection of the miniseries Darth Vader – Black, White & Red. The Black, White & Red series are always fascinating as they have multple writers and illustrators on them. Each issue has a different story, sometimes multiple stories, with a heavy focus on the artwork. They're dark gritty, and full of baddies doing baddie things. Every Vader fan shouldn't miss this one.

That's it for This Week in Star Wars Comics! Next time we wrap up 2024 and kick off the new year with books out on New Year's Day! From all of us here at Dork Side of the Force, we wish that you and your loved ones had a very safe and happy holidays. Thank you for following this series every week. We look forward to bringing you more Star Wars goodness in 2025.

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