Spring is in the air and so are the Nihil as they attack the planet of Eriadu. It's all High Republic this week for comics, so let's dive in!
This Week in Star Wars Comics is The High Republic Adventures #16.
Heroes on the front lines (read that in Tom Kane's voice from The Clone Wars). The planet of Eriadu is caught in the midst of a Nihil invasion. The raiders seek to conquer the world for good. However, the people are not alone as a brave group of Jedi and fellow Force users stand ready to fight including Jedi Knight Farzala Tarabal. Farzala seeks to stop the villain leader, The Warden, whose ruthless tactics are to be feared. As a man with nothing to lose, The Warden is a dangerous villain willing to do whatever it takes to claim victory. The odds aren't in the heroes' favor, but perhaps a helpful surprise will arrive to turn the tide of battle.
The High Republic Adventures #16 is written by Daniel José Older, the illustrator is Tony Bruno, the colorist is Michael Atiyeh, and the cover artists are double duty from Harvey Tolibao and Kevin Tolibao. The extra manpower on the cover is because issues 14-17 are connective covers featuring all the players in the Battle of Eriadu.
As this series is from Dark Horse Comics, it does not have a Women's History Month variant cover. Those are for the Marvel Comic line. Still, Dark Horse usually has alternate covers for their titles and this issue is no exception. This month's is an awesome shot of Farzala in the fight, facing down the looming image of The Warden. This cover is by Jo Mi-Gyeong, and you can see what it looks like on Wookieepedia.
That's it for This Week in Star Wars Comics! See you in the splash pages!