Young Jedi Adventures recap: The Lost Jedi Ship

Kai, Lys, and Nubs find a star map that could lead to a long lost Jedi ship. With their friend Nash, they head out to find it!
(L-R): Jedi Younglings: Lys Solay (voiced by Juliet Donenfeld), Kai Brightstar (voiced by Jamaal Avery Jr.) and Nubs (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) in a scene during a training sequence from "STAR WARS: YOUNG JEDI ADVENTURES" exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
(L-R): Jedi Younglings: Lys Solay (voiced by Juliet Donenfeld), Kai Brightstar (voiced by Jamaal Avery Jr.) and Nubs (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) in a scene during a training sequence from "STAR WARS: YOUNG JEDI ADVENTURES" exclusively on Disney+. ©2023 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

We open Young Jedi Adventures' "The Lost Jedi Ship" on Tenoo with Master Zia taking the Jedi younglings to the Jedi Temple's library. She tells them that since their temple is so old, there are still rooms they're discovering as they slowly fix it up. The kids are excited and scatter about the room when they get in.

Kai Brightstar stumbles, pulling some books off the shelf. On the other side where it has been blocked off, he see a light coming out of the wall behind the shelf. There are some rock blocking the light and what looks to be a secret room. His friends Nubs and Lys Solay join him, wanting to see what it is. Working together, the move the rocks with the Force.

They find an old Jedi storeroom filled with krayt dragon teeth, images of old plants, and various items. Kai picks up an old star map that still has an active signal to something in the galaxy.

They take it to Master Zia, who informs them it's a ship tracker. She gasps, realizing it's a ship called the Star Seeker. It was owned by an adventurer who worked for the Jedi, mapping out Tenoo's system. But his ship was lost. However, with this tracker, they might be able to find it! With Zia's permission, the Jedi Youglings call their friend Nash Durango to fly them there.

On Nash's ship, the Crimson Firehawk, they come out of hyperspace-- OH NO! In an asteroid field that surrounds the planet! Working as a team to blast through the space rocks, they get through to safety!

Landing, the planet's surface is deserted and filled with a green mist. Since their ship got banged up in the asteroid field, Nash and her droid RJ-83 decide to stay behind to make repairs as the Jedi go on ahead.

The Jedi are following the signal, and they catch site of a droid. However, the fog is so thick that it's hard for them to follow. Together, they use the Force to move it from their view. And there's the Star Seeker! The droid realizes they're Jedi and introduces himself as OG-LC.

OG-LC reveals that he was the pilot and was stationed on Tenoo. The asteroid destroyed his ship, keeping him trapped there for so long. The Younglings want to help him so he can finally complete his mission. But OG-LC is too scared to leave the planet. He's not the brave adventurer from the stories! With that, he storms out of the room all embarrassed.

The Jedi talk with OG-LC, telling them it's okay to be afraid. Kai reveals he was scared in the asteroid field. But being brave doesn't mean you're not scared; it means facing those fears. OG-LC agrees since he won't be doing this alone. They call Nash to meet them so they can all work together. With Nash finding the safest path through the asteroid field and the Jedi helping OG-LC with his ship, they zoom out into space!

Facing their fears, the group zips through the asteroids and make it out to safety! They return to Tenoo where OG-LC hand over to the temple all the artifacts he had gathered. With that, the droid flies away to his next mission knowing he has friends waiting for him on Tenoo.