Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Official Poster

When it was announced, earlier this week, that Disney/Lucasfilm would drop the very first teaser trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story on Thursday, the internet went wild, which is why the official teaser poster was lost in the shuffle…

Now, before you scurry to the comments with your red lightsabers ignited, ready to strike me down in anger, this poster I’m about to show you is only listed as the official teaser poster…and I had to do some reverse Google image search digging, which took me to and its Rogue One page. So, without further aplomb, I give you the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story official (for now) poster:

Beautiful, no? I love the simplistic nature of the poster about a Star Wars film that has already made a bold statement in its first teaser trailer that it will be the most dark and gritty Star Wars film we’ve ever seen. The black background with the gold lettering helps to make this poter an instant classic, and I will be adding it to my collection.

Not to be outdone by the official poster, Marvel artist Phil Noto got to work and masterfully put together a beautiful Rogue One poster of his own:

Although not as dark as the official poster, Noto does capture the Original Trilogy feel of Rogue One, which is set before the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and I dig that about him. Noto’s poster is beautiful in both color and story…and it does tell a story. From Mon Mothma’s concerned facial expression, to Ben Mendelsohn’s mysterious character’s scowling visage, all the way to that badass shadow trooper in the forefront.

But what I love most about Noto’s poster, is Felicity Jones’ Jyn Erso, at the top, with the Death Star looming in the background. It harkens back to the old Star Wars Original Trilogy posters and gives me those warm and fuzzies that I’m sure will disappear once the lights dim in the theater, and Rogue One‘s screen crawl starts across the silver screen.

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Both posters are amazing in their own right, and I’m glad we have something to hold us over to May 4th and then the Star Wars Celebration in London, England, on July 15 through the 17. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will debut in theaters worldwide in December…and now our watch begins (hey isn’t that from another show?).