50 Best Female Characters In Star Wars

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1. Leia Organa

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

At last, we come to the best female character in the Star Wars universe. It’s no surprise she was the very first to appear on-screen.

Leia Organa is a princess, politician, political leader, wife, and mother all rolled into one. She can even use the Force, though she refused Jedi training from her brother. Her strength is mindblowing. This woman lost her entire adoptive family and her planet all in one day. But she still had the wherewithal and the energy to carry on. She withstood torture by the most fearsome villain in the galaxy, her own biological father. She rescued herself, Luke, and Han from the Death Star when Luke’s initial plan failed. And the princess never stops moving. Every waking moment of her life is spent thinking and planning for others: the rebellion, the New Republic, and later, her son. She is the powerhouse heroine we’ve been looking for.

Leia is not number one on our list because the actress who played her, Carrie Fisher, recently passed away. But the character would not have been the same if Fisher had not portrayed her. Leia’s spark and attitude come from Fisher. Together, these two women show us how to be strong when the going gets tough. And they show girls how to be real princesses.

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What did you think of our list? Who are your favorite female Star Wars characters? Tell us in the comments below.