Original Trilogy Films to be Re-Adapted into YA Book Series

The seemingly endless revisions and tweaks to the original trilogy haven’t changed our perspective of the films, but Disney is returning to that era in the universe to let us see those stories in a way we haven’t before: through the eyes of the characters’ living them.

According to the official site, a trio of books written by three separate authors will retell Episode IV, V and VI from the perspective of the cast, giving us a look into their thoughts and emotions during each scene while simultaneously filling in a bit more backstory (hopefully).

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The series, set for release Sept. 22, is being pitched at the young adult demographic, roughly ages 8-12, and you can tell by the BuzzFeedish titles given to each installment. Star Wars: A New Hope – The Princess, The Scoundrel and The Farm Boy will be written by Alexander Bracken; Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back – So You Want to be a Jedi by Adam Gitwitz; and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – Beware the Power of the Dark Side! by Tom Angleberger.

Disney and Lucasfilm released the covers of all three books as shown above, and you can check out excerpts from all three books here.

To be honest, this comes off as a way for Disney to squeeze a few more dollars out of the original trilogy without really adding anything new. There have been countless adaptations of the original trilogy into book form, and Star Wars is not hurting for more fans from the young adult age group.

While it may offer some fresh insight into the dynamics of certain iconic scenes from the trilogy, I’m not particularly interested in yet another retelling of a tale that’s been spun numerous times.

Next: Original Trilogy to be Featured in Disney Infinity 3.0