That Hashtag Show has reported a photo, obtained from an anonymous source, of Carrie Fisher in her Star Wars: <..."/> That Hashtag Show has reported a photo, obtained from an anonymous source, of Carrie Fisher in her Star Wars: <..."/>

Photo of Carrie Fisher in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Costume


The That Hashtag Show has reported a photo, obtained from an anonymous source, of Carrie Fisher in her Star Wars: The Force Awakens costume (via iKwiz).

Check out Carrie in her costume below.

Interestingly, the ensemble Carrie is wearing, including costume and hair piece, is almost a mirror image of a drawing by Jason Ward of Making Star Wars, who saw Leia’s The Force Awakens look in leaked photos of Leia and Chewbacca, in January.

I like the overall look of this costume. It has a little bit of style with the vest, belt, and boots, but is ultimately  utilitarian and therefore perfect for having adventures in.

Since the vest is a bit over-sized for Carrie, I wonder if it actually belongs to Han. That would make sense, especially if the two are still in a relationship by the time the events of The Force Awakens commence.

There are a couple of things I don’t like, however: first, the brown hairpiece Carrie is wearing, because of how fake it looks next to the lighter hair on the top of her head; and second, how wrinkly and baggy her pant legs look. But, the host of That Hashtag Show seems to think the photo looks like it was taken at a wardrobe fitting; if that’s the case, then I’m sure that Carrie was not about to walk onto a set and shoot a scene when the photo was taken. So, her hair, if not the wrinkled pants (because it’s kin of inevitable that pants will get wrinkled on an adventure, unless they’re made of leather or spandex), will probably look better in the movie then it does in this photo.

So what do you think? Does this look seem like “Leia” to you? It does to me; again, it’s got the style and utility that Leia seems to favor, sans her signature white. I can’t wait to see the polished result on December 18th!

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