Rebel Scum has revealed leaked photos of what appears to be a Star Wars: The Force Awakens makeu..."/> Rebel Scum has revealed leaked photos of what appears to be a Star Wars: The Force Awakens makeu..."/>

Leaked Star Wars: The Force Awakens Makeup Collection by Covergirl


Rebel Scum has revealed leaked photos of what appears to be a Star Wars: The Force Awakens makeup collection from Covergirl. You can view a slideshow of them here, courtesy of Making Star Wars.

The collection asks you, “Which side are you on?” and is comprised of two themes, The Light Within and The Dark Side. Each theme has different “looks;” for The Light Within: Nomad, Droid, and Sage. For The Dark Side: Apprentice, Stormtrooper, and Chrome.

“There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?… The Dark Side, and the Light.”

The looks for The Light Within may be connected to Jakku natives, or even Rey for Nomad (we already have a quote from Daisy Ridley saying her character is “solitary,” a word that could be used to describe a nomad); C-3PO for Droid (the colors for the Droid look are shades of gold); and Luke Skywalker or Princess Leia for Sage.

The looks for The Dark Side seem more straightforward: Kylo Ren for Apprentice; Stormtrooper for, well, Stormtrooper; and Chrome for the Chrome Trooper, Captain Phasma.

The mascara bottles in one of the photos features some interesting quotes. Some of them are classic lines, like “Do or do not. There is no try,” and “You’re my only hope,” while others are brand new. The new ones are: “I will finish what you started;” “Immune to the Light;” and “There has been an awakening,” though that last is one we heard Supreme Leader Snoke say in the first teaser trailer for The Force Awakens.

As far as I know, Covergirl has never done a Star Wars collection before. It makes sense, though, if Disney and Lucasfilm are trying to broaden their audience for Star Wars. Creating makeup collections may inspire some women and girls to become fans when they realize that the franchise is purposely catering to a more feminine demographic.

We don’t have any official confirmation that these photos are genuine, but I can’t imagine someone going to all that trouble to create a fake makeup collection. Likely, ladies, we’ll be seeing these products debut in stores this fall or holiday season.

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