This Custom Built Star Wars Themed PS4 Playbook is Amazing

As a fan of everything Star Wars, few things excite me more than a customized Star Wars themed game console or computer/laptop. Through my many, many years of online gaming, I’ve owned a World of Warcraft gaming rig complete with Warcraft mouse and keyboard. And, most recently, I had my newest gaming laptop reskinned for Star Wars: The Old Republic online MMORPG.

With Star Wars Battlefront coming to Xbox One and PS4, this November 17, I have been looking to upgrade my PS3, just so I can get in on the awesomeness of the new game that will boast maps from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So what’s a gamer like myself to do? Buy a plain old PS4 and enjoy Battlefront like everyone else? Or, do I go all out and find someone who does custom work on consoles?

The answer lies in engineer Edward Zarick, of Ed’s Junk, who specializes in gaming console modifications. Ed has applied his special brand of mad-genius to a PS4 Playbook, and created a Star Wars themed — R2-D2 — customization.

According to Edward, the console actually talks like R2, and has all the bells and whistles that everyone’s favorite astromech should have.

"“This system has real scaled down R2 parts installed everywhere!  It even has the red/blue light on the front that changes randomly while its on! And with the help of a Adafruit WAVEShield, I was able to have this little guy actually talk.”"

Zarick credits for the sound effects and 3D printable parts that he used on this system. The engineer sells his work as well, which you can get in touch with him on on his website EdsJunk and see if he can build a customized console mod just for you. I’m fairly positive this is going to be my Christmas present…better get Santa the specs!

[H/T Gamespot]

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