5 Things We Could Expect from Star Wars at D23

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Image from screencrush.com

4. A short teaser for Rogue One.

This could either be the teaser that Celebration-goers saw at the Conversation with Gareth Edwards panel in April, or it could be entirely new footage, rumored to have been shot with Felicity Jones a few weeks back.

SEE ALSO: REPORT: Star Wars: Rogue One Has Begun Filming

As to what we could see in the trailer: Mike really wants to see shots Felicity Jones’s character getting her Rebel gear on and her weaponry together, as if for war. I like that idea, as it would be a good introduction for Jones’s character as well as for the darker, more Star “Wars” aesthetic director Gareth Edwards seems to be going for with Rogue One.

Next: 5. A Rogue Cast Announcement