Star Wars: The Force Awakens – J.J. Abrams Explains Name Origins


Entertainment Weekly has made quite the impact on Star Wars fandom today, as their Fall Movie Preview issue is all about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We’ve had the cover of the issue which features Kylo Ren, all new photos from the film, unraveling Kylo Ren’s personality, and the reason J.J. Abrams decided to helm The Force Awakens. I mean, at this point, let’s just all agree to rename today, Wednesday, August 12 , EW’s The Force Awakens Day.

Well, it’s not over yet, as EW has just released an article on the thought process behind J.J. Abrams’ naming of characters for The Force Awakens. When asked about character names like Finn, Rey, Kylo Ren, and other, Abrams was let in on a theory that we don’t know their last names because they would be recognizable. While confirming that the theory was “warm,” his answer was in true J.J. Abrams fashion:

"“I will only say about that that it is completely intentional that their last names aren’t public record.”"

First, EW asked Abrams about the scavenger that Rey was interacting with, while cutting BB-8 free from his net. The Scavenger is called Teedo, and his mount is called a Luggabeast.

Then there’s the new hot-shot pilot of The Force Awakens, Poe Dameron. Turns out, the origin of his name was a little more simplified. One of J.J.’s assistants is named Morgan Dameron…so there’s the last name. As far as his first name, that’s a tad bit more tricky. It seems that Abrams’ daughter had a stuffed polar bear she named “Po” (short for Polar), and the director admits that is probably why it felt good keeping the name. EW notes that there is a little more far-fetched meaning…and it’s connected to the polar bears on Lost.

Everyone’s new favorite and simply adorable droid, BB-8, got his name through more of a visual response. “I named him BB-8 because it was almost onomatopoeia. It was sort of how he looked to me, with the 8, obviously, and then the 2 B’s.”

Finally, the strangest and probably coolest name from the new Star Wars film, Captain Phasma. As it turns out, this was J.J.’s chance to pay homage to a cult-classic horror film by the name of Phantasm“Phasma I named because of the amazing chrome design that came from Michael Kaplan’s wardrobe team. It reminded me of the ball in Phantasm, and I just thought, Phasma sounds really cool.”

On a personal note, I absolutely love stuff like this. It serves to connect the fanbase to the filmmaker and his film. You can read the EW article in its entirety HERE. The Entertainment Weekly Fall Movie Preview featuring Star Wars: The Force Awakens, will be available this Friday at participating stores and newsstands everywhere.

Next: Star Wars: The Force Awakens - The Question that Snagged J.J. Abrams