Ashley Eckstein Launches Her Universe Press


At NYCC this past weekend, Ashley Eckstein announced that the Her Universe brand she pioneered is branching out in a big way. Ashley and her dedicated team have succeeded in revolutionizing the fashion industry for fangirls, and now they’re setting their sights on conquering the publishing industry with Her Universe Press, a publishing imprint created specifically to give women a voice in science fiction and fantasy.

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The following quote from Ashley expresses her excitement and vision for this new project (via Her Universe Blog).

"“Her Universe continues to expand because of our wonderful community and passionate fans. It is truly a group effort by fans wanting their voices to be heard. I felt that Her Universe Press was necessary because so many fans were presenting me with their manuscripts with no professional outlet or opportunity to publish their work. I’m thrilled to be able to provide a platform for these stories to be told via books, entertainment, merchandise and beyond!”"

Her Universe is teaming up with an established publishing brand, Permuted Press, to produce work authored exclusively by females “who write empowering stories with positive messages and a focus on strong female protagonists.” Permuted Press’s specialty in sci-fi, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, and horror works should bolster Her Universe Press’s main focus on sci-fi, fantasy, and non-fiction for all age ranges.

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Her Universe Press already has two books in the pipeline, each to debut around spring and summer of 2016. The first, The Confidence Chronicles by Anne Convery and Ashley Eckstein (with illustrations by Dave Filoni himself), “is a steampunk fantasy featuring twelve-year-old Adelaide Lenihan, whose grit, energy and obsession with all things mechanical lead her along with her automatic owl, Eureka, to uncover exciting and sometimes chilling secrets in her own home town. Mining, mystery and mayhem in this first installment set the stage for Addy’s fantastic adventures from west of the Sierra Nevada to east of the Mississippi and beyond.”

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The second book, Weirdest by Heather Nuhfer (who’s worked on comic books ranging from My Little Pony to Wonder Woman), “is the story of thirteen-year-old girl who, in her desperation to be the coolest in her school, makes a wish and, as a result, has her strongest emotions physically manifest themselves in weird ways. Her powers run haywire as she tries to solve the mystery.”

While neither books have release dates yet, we’re assured that Her Universe Press will be partnering with Barnes and Noble and, as well as Audible and iTunes Books to deliver stories across physical and digital mediums.

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One of the best parts about Her Universe Press is how easy it is to submit your work. Just go to and fill out the application form. A team of editors will go over your submission and determine if they want to publish it. No fees are required. It’s fast, easy, and yet still prompts you to be thorough in your submission by including the title of your work, its genre, and an elevator pitch.

Two areas that are perhaps the hardest for women to find their niche in is fashion and literature, and Her Universe is now providing both. That’s a major accomplishment, and I admire and applaud Ashley Eckstein and her crew for making Her Universe Press a thing. And now I know of a potential outlet for my stories when I’m ready to start submitting.

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