Trevor Noah Talks Star Wars Controversies on The Daily Show

With one tiny trailer release Monday night, Star Wars‘ 800 pound gorilla of a pop culture juggernaut walked into the center of the current cultural conversation and sat down. It’s no surprise then that those who pride themselves at being the drivers of that conversation are now all discussing the movie, from fan theories, to merchandising, to the inevitable controversy generating trolls on Twitter. On that last point, as most people were probably been irritated to discover, Monday saw the rise of the #boycottstarwarsvii hashtag, driven by a couple of small minded trolls who can’t handle the 21st century. They try to claim it’s a movement, but as far as I could tell when I checked the feed on Monday, 90% of the traffic on that hashtag consisted of people being horrified, disgusted or otherwise pushing back on it. So much for a “movement.”

But as these things do, it generated attention, and The Daily Show, famed for pushing back against the small minded, the racist, the nonsensical and the ridiculous, decided that a good old fashion push back on basic cable was warranted. Host Trevor Noah not only broke out the big guns by pointing out that those who want to discuss “genocide” should take it up with the planet destroying Empire, but then asked Senior Fantasy Culture Correspondent Jordan Klepper to weigh in on the real controversy–throwing out the Expanded Universe.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
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I will admit, I’m still getting used to Trevor Noah’s slightly more laid back style. I feel like Jon Stewart would have gotten more heated in his delivery. But at least there’s one thing we can all agree on. Expanded Universe or no, Bobba Fett didn’t die in the Sarlacc. That’s totally bullshit.

Next: 50 Biggest WTF Moments in Star Wars History