New Force Awakens RUMOR: BB-8 is a Girl Droid

“Girl power” does seem to be the watchword of the Star Wars franchise reboot. The Daily Mail is not always the most accurate of sources. But when they’re right, they’re usually very, very right. And this weekend, they released an article which they claim is full of insider male given spoilers.

Some of it feels like conjecture, such as the reveal that “the storyline centres on the battle for Luke Skywalker’s blue lost blue lightsaber.” I mean, that’s a pretty easy guess from that final trailer sequence. As are also lines like: “Stormtrooper Finn (John Boyega) joins scavenger Rey (Daisy Ridley) and BB-8, sheltering on board the Millennium Falcon, where they befriend Han Solo (Harrison Ford).” and “Princess Leia arrives with C-3PO and meets Han after years apart, taking the gang back to the Resistance Base.”

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Also, they “reveal” Luke appears film, which we all knew perfectly well, even if his face isn’t in the trailer, or the poster. Though the statement that “he only appears in the final frames” is interesting. Does that mean he’s actually a major figure in Episode VIII? And does it have anything to do with “the traumatic death of ‘a major, major character'”?

But my favorite rumor from their article, hands down, is about BB-8. She’s a girl.

“And she plays a pivotal role. There’s never been a strong female robot in any Star Wars film,” says the source.  “JJ was determined to make BB-8 cute and strong – and female. They want to appeal to girls as much boys, who have traditionally been the fan base. She’s going to be one of the breakout hits of the film.”

I actually buy this one. Partly because BB-8 is so clearly Rey’s sidekick. Of course she’d have a girl droid.

Also, in terms of marketing, that works. If BB-8 really is a girl droid, she just jumped to the top of my holiday gift list.

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(Source: The Daily Mail.)