The Force Awakens: Carrie Fisher’s Interview on Good Morning America is Pure Gold

Carrie Fisher talks about Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Good Morning America and in the process, wins every interview ever held in the history of ever.

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Carrie Fisher is a delight. She is a national treasure and should be treated as such, and after you watch her hilariously dazzle her way through this Good Morning America interview, then you will most likely feel the same. In the interview, Fisher discusses The Force Awakens, as well as her weight loss, and what it means to her, to be Princess — now General — Leia. Oh, and her dog Gary joined her, and honestly, I could watch an interview with Gary, and not ever be bored. Check it out.

Seriously, can we just build a golden statue of Carrie Fisher and her dog Gary in Washington, D.C. somewhere? This interview, while not really revealing anything about The Force Awakens, did shine a light on the sheer brilliance of Fisher.  Here’s some of the highlights…which let’s face it, the entire interview was one long highlight…but I digress.

  • Fisher thinks The Force Awakens is really good. “And I think in my mouth, so I don’t lie.
  • Gary saw the film. I could stare at Gary with his tongue hanging out for an hour and never get bored.
  • George Lucas personally asked Fisher to return for The Force Awakens, which took no convincing at all. “I’ve been Princess Leia for 40 years…so what, I’m gonna stop now when it’s really ridiculous [in a good way] to be someone named Princess Leia, or General Leia?
  • Fisher did lose weight for the film, but thinks that it is a stupid conversation.
  • Carrie’s daughter Billie Lourd (Scream Queens) is in the film, in a small role.

Billie Lourd (Carrie Fisher’s daughter) to the left of Han Solo

I cannot stress enough how this is without a doubt the best interview from all the cast and crew of the film, that we have seen so far. And, I seriously doubt that anyone attached to Star Wars in the future, will be able to top Carrie Fisher’s amazing GMA appearance. Let’s all hope General Leia makes it through Episode VII, and has a role to play in the future films. Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters worldwide on December 17 and 18…in less than two weeks!