Olivia Munn and Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers are ready for The Force Awakens

X-Men: Apocalypse star Olivia Munn and her boyfriend, Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers, post a Star Wars themed photo to Instagram. Seem ready to see The Force Awakens.

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Olivia Munn won the hearts of nerds the world over, when she was cast in the role of Psylocke for Bryan Singer’s highly anticipated X-Men: Apocalypse. Munn’s boyfriend — Aaron Rodgers — just so happens to be the starting QB for the Green Bay Packers. And, while he may be a superstar jock on the football field, Rodgers is clearly a Star Wars nerd at heart. In a photo posted to Olivia Munn’s Instagram page, the actress basically asked her followers who was the best dressed.

This will be the one and only time that you will ever see me choose Aaron Rodgers over Olivia Munn. Rodgers is obviously ready to cosplay the premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and honestly, with the kind of season the Packers QB is having, it’s clear that he is strong in the Force. Seriously though, Rodgers just needs a lightsaber, and he could easily pass for a Jedi from the Prequel Trilogy.

As for Olivia Munn, she looks badass in that black Star Wars t-shirt. Munn is one of my favorite young actresses in Hollywood, and I’ve liked her since her role as Sloan Sabbith on HBO’s Newsroom. Interestingly enough, Munn’s connection to nerdom goes much deeper than her new role in the X-Men franchise. In 2010, she appeared as herself in a Star Wars fandom documentary, Jedi Junkies.

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Hopefully Rodgers will actually go to the worldwide premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, in full Jedi regalia. The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 17 and 18.

H/T – Bleacher Report