Star Wars Monopoly Game Excludes Major The Force Awakens Character

Hasbro — the makers of Monopoly — have recently come under fire, as the company has left out a key character from Star Wars: The Force Awakens…

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The biggest question going into Star Wars: The Force Awakens was: Where’s Luke? Now, with the release of an all new Star Wars themed Monopoly game, the question shifts to: Where’s Rey? Entertainment Weekly reports that the official description of the game includes four player tokens: Finn (John Boyega), Luke (Mark Hamill), Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), and Darth Vader. The one recurring theme here being, the player tokens are all male…so where’s Rey?

While The Force Awakens was definitely an ensemble cast filled with old and new faces, Daisy Ridley’s Rey was without a doubt the heroine of the film. She was a strong female lead that caused a whole new generation of female fans, fall in love with the Star Wars saga. So why was she omitted from the game? EW reached out to Hasbro, and they had this to say:

"“The Star Wars: Monopoly game was released in September, months before the movie’s release, and Rey was not included to avoid revealing a key plot line that she takes on Kylo Ren and joins the Rebel Alliance.”"

I’m not exactly buying this reasoning, as it seems that Hasbro could have easily added Rey to the game, with her staff as a weapon and her description as a scavenger. It’s not like Rey was kept secret in the trailers for the film. EW did note that the Hasbro spokesperson did say that Rey was prominent in other games like Hands Down, Guess Who, and Chess, and the spokesperson added that more Rey inspired product will be hitting shelves, later this month.

Still though, this doesn’t solve the problem of not having Rey as part of the Monopoly game. If Hasbro truly wants to correct this oversight, the company should manufacture separate Rey pieces, so that anyone who wants to play as Rey, can do so.

Sound off! We want to know how you feel about the female lead from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, being left out of the official Monopoly game. Let us know in the comments, and on social media.

H/T — Entertainment Weekly