Star Wars: The Force Awakens Now Third Biggest Movie In The World


Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now the third biggest movie in the world.

Thanks to record-breaking earnings from China’s debut of the film this past weekend and over $800 million domestically, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is finally up there behind Titanic and Avatar as the third biggest movie at the global box office (via Variety). This comes after Episode VII supplanted Jurassic World‘s third place record of $1.67 billion with $1.73 billion.

Meanwhile, in China the movie set a record as the biggest Saturday or Sunday opening with around $53 million.

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The Force Awakens set a record by being the first film to make over $800 million ($812 million, to be precise) in the United States alone. This comes after the movie broke several records in its opening week alone, including biggest domestic opening weekend.

Disney’s new blockbuster still has a long way to go, however, before it can even think about taking the next two tops spots for worldwide earnings away from Titanic and Avatar. Titanic is sitting at a comfortable $2.19 billion, but even it is far behind Avatar‘s crushing $2.79 billion.

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Still, those films made their profits over several months, as well as through theater re-releases. The Force Awakens hasn’t even been in theaters for a whole month, and it’s already made over half of what it needs to become the biggest movie in the world. There’s hope for it yet.