Kevin Smith’s Role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Revealed

It has finally been revealed that Actor/director and lovable nerd — Kevin Smith — had a role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens…

More from Dork Side of the Force

When he’s not hosting his awesome show Comic Book Men on AMC, actor/director Kevin Smith is quite busy. He is the trusted voice for nerds everywhere, when it comes to anything and everything in the realm of nerdom. Be it comic book movies like the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, or most recently, his love of the Star Wars saga with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Smith was extremely excited for The Force Awakens, and even got to meet J.J Abrams and Mark Hamill 10 years before Episode VII was a thought. Well, according to a recent article from, Smith (among many other well known actors) got in on some voice-over camoes. His particular line went like this:

"“We have incoming at 28.6!”~Stormtrooper (reacts to incoming Resistance fighters)"

I guess it pays to be an uber-nerd with all the right connections! In all seriousness, I’m a huge Kevin Smith fan, and I think this really is quite neat. It must have been very difficult for Smith to keep this under-wraps, as I followed him very closely — during the days leading up to the premiere of The Force Awakens — and he never once let slip that he had a cameo in the film, yet he had all the excitement of a kid in a candy store.

The list also has a plethora of voice actors from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and if you are/were a fan of that animated show, then you will recognize many of the names on that list, as well.