Kid Dressed As Kylo Ren’s Undercover Boss Meets Kylo Ren

A kid dressed as Matt the Radar Technician met Kylo Ren at Disneyland.

You may remember that Adam Driver recently hosted an episode Saturday Night Live. If you don’t remember that, you probably know about the skit he did parodying Undercover Boss, the show where a boss of a company goes undercover among his employees to get the skinny on what they think of him, how they’re being treated, etc.

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In Driver’s parody, it was Kylo Ren who went under cover on Starkiller Base… as Matt the Radar Technician. Needless to say, Matt is now famous in the Star Wars community and on the internet; and now so is this little kid who dressed like him at Disneyland.

And then, of course, this happened.

(Wonder if they compared notes on subjugating the employed masses)

Years from now, fans and pop culture enthusiasts alike will look back on these moments as some of the greatest in Star Wars parody history. Matt the Radar Technician is not only popular with children, but also with adults who want toy versions (some even want a Black Series action figure made) of this now classic fixture in Star Wars cookery (and I don’t mean kitchen utensils).

Related Story: Adam Driver Goes Undercover Boss As Kylo Ren On SNL

Thank you, Adam Driver, for inspiring the next generation of children to be aspiring lightsaber-wielding Force users disguised as radar technicians.