Fan Casting 10 Popular Star Wars Expanded Universe Characters

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10. Andy Serkis as Darth Plagueis

No, I’m not saying Supreme Leader Snoke from The Force Awakens is Darth Plagueis. What I’m saying is, there really is no better actor for the job. Plagueis, in Legends, was a Muun, a species that is nigh impossible to render on-screen without the use of CGI. Andy Serkis is the master of motion capture and creating incredible performances that translate seamlessly into computer animated creatures. It’s a no-brainer; even if the Legends had been turned into films instead of creating a whole new story, Serkis was just meant to be in Star Wars. And who knows, maybe we’ll see Plagueis the Wise sometime down the road in a spinoff movie.

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What do you think of our fan casting? Is there another character from Legends you’d like to see brought to life on the big screen? Who would you choose to play Thrawn, Jacen, Jaina, and the others? Talk to us in the comments below.