8 Questions for Star Wars: Episode VIII

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1. What does The Last Jedi really mean?

Personally, I don’t think Luke dies in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. At least I hope he doesn’t. If he does, I hope they don’t go the route of A New Hop, Empire Strikes Back, or Return of the Jedi, where Obi-Wan was a Force ghost a majority of the time. The thing I like about this title is how vague it is, it could really mean anything.

With Luke only being in a few seconds on The Force Awakens, and with The Last Jedi focusing on the majority of his story, then I am guessing the old Jedi Master will see Episode IX alive. It is my firm belief that Luke will create a new Jedi Academy, with a new way of teaching Force-sensitive beings.

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What other questions should we be asking? Do you think you know the answers to these already? Sound off in the comments!