Dork Side writer Kyle Cobey has passed away and is one with the Force


Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not.” – Yoda

On Friday, February 10, a member of the Dork Side of the Force family was taken from us, taken too soon. Writer Kyle Cobey died suddenly and unexpectedly at home, and according to his brother Casey Cobey, Kyle passed away peacefully.

Kyle Cobey was a new writer here at Dork Side, but he quickly embraced his work, and you could see the passion and love he had for Star Wars, as it showed through his writing. Kyle had a special gift that he wanted to share with the rest of the world.

(Kyle’s brother, Casey, changed his Facebook profile to show Kyle in a Star Wars shirt.)

Kyle was a kind individual who saw so much more in Star Wars than just a series of films. He often talked about the religious connection between the fictional work of George Lucas, and our world today. In fact, in his last article, written just before his death, Kyle compared Jedi Master Yoda to Buddha:

"“That’s what I have always kind of thought to myself. That he was more than just the Jedi leader, but a higher spiritual like a Buddha that has reached enlightenment. With all the other parallels to Buddhist philosophy, I think it would be a perfect fit.” – Kyle Cobey"

There is a You Caring page set up in Kyle’s name, in order to help his family with funeral costs. On that page, Kyle’s friend Marlene Ehrler, says some uplifting words about Kyle.

"Kyle was an activist with a keen eye for political justice, a talented writer, Star Wars aficionado, Phish kid, Lakers fan, and much more. On Friday, February 10th, Kyle suddenly and unexpectedly passed away."

Kyle was a bright shining star who had all the potential in the world. We here at Dork Side of the Force will greatly miss our fallen brother, and send all our love, prayers, and good thoughts to his family during this tragic time.

If you can, and you would like to help Kyle Cobey’s family with the funeral costs, please visit You Caring and make a donation. We here at Dork Side of the Force, as well as Kyle’s family, greatly appreciate it.

To quote Master Yoda once more: “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” Kyle is now one with the Force.