Harrison Ford and Samuel L. Jackson have a financial rivalry thanks to Star Wars

Han Solo actor Harrison Ford and Mace Windu actor Samuel L. Jackson have a financial rivalry thanks to Star Wars, at least where Jackson is concerned.

You can’t compete against Star Wars. You would think Samuel L. Jackson, who played Jedi Master Mace Windu in all three of the franchise’s prequel movies, knows that.

Instead, Jackson is realizing that Star Wars‘s box office bounty is leaving him behind now that he’s moved on to other projects. Harrison Ford, however, raked in the dough with his return as Han Solo in The Force Awakens. As of 2016 according to MTV, Ford was the highest-grossing actor in Hollywood, with Jackson in a close second.

Jackson, whose next film, Kong: Skull Island releases in theaters on March 10th, is determined to oust Ford from first place, he told Express below:

"“My assistant told me I was [about] $150 million behind him. I’ve got a chance to grab him with this movie [Kong: Skull Island], xXx is doing really well in China so it might be that…Whenever The Incredibles 2 comes out, it’s over! … Then I’ll be back as the highest-grossing actor in the history of Hollywood. I had that title for about five years.“Then Harrison made one movie and caught me!”"

That’s the way it goes, Mr. Jackson. The world loves Harrison Ford and Han Solo. And Disney probably spent a lot of money on Ford to show him they really wanted him to come back.

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The next Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi (which, sadly, does not star Harrison Ford as Han Solo) premieres in theaters on December 15th, 2017.