The Next Star Wars Celebration Will Be In 2019

The next Star Wars Celebration following this year’s Celebration in April is scheduled for 2019. The location has not been announced.

If you hoped to attend Star Wars Celebration in 2018, we have some bad news for you.

The official Star Wars Celebration website announced yesterday that the next Celebration event takes place in 2019. This means there is no Celebration planned for next year.

One reason Celebration is skipping 2018 may be financial. With new Star Wars movies premiering every year, plus new seasons of Star Wars Rebels every fall, Celebration is getting bigger and better. “Bigger and better” means “more expensive.” It also means a need for more time and manpower to make the event a success. A year may no longer be long enough for Lucasfilm and ReedPOP – the company that plans and coordinates each Star Wars Celebration – to pull a convention together.

With no Celebration in 2018, it’s unknown where we will get big Star Wars announcements like new movies and trailers. One nebulous option is Disney’s D23 convention, which takes place every other year. 2017, however, is its year “on.” So if Disney keeps up the trend of holding D23 every other year, there won’t be a D23 in 2018, either. That leaves San Diego Comic Con as the biggest pop culture convention. Star Wars had a large presence there until Lucasfilm started relying more on Celebrations and D23 to break news. But with neither Celebration nor D23 happening in 2018, SDCC may see a return of big Star Wars panels.

If this year’s Celebration follows the precedent, Lucasfilm will announce Celebration 2019’s location at the end of the event in April.

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Star Wars Celebration 2017 takes place in Orlando April 13th-16th.