Darth Vader killed this character in the original Rogue One script


Darth Vader’s murderous rampage at the end of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was surely one of the highlights of the film, and yet, that moment almost did not happen, as the Sith Lord was originally supposed to kill someone else entirely….

When the very first Star Wars standalone film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story comes home on Digital HD on March 24, and Blu-Ray/DVD on April 4, Star Wars fans will once again get to revel in the sheer badassery of Darth Vader.

In what is now one of the most exciting and simultaneously terrifying scenes in the Star Wars Cinematic Universe, Vader boards Admiral Raddus’ ship the Profundity and cuts his way through a group of Rebel soldiers in an attempt to retrieve the stolen plans to the Empire’s super weapon — the Death Star.

However, this incredible moment in Star Wars canon almost did not happen, as screenwriter Gary Whitta explained to Entertainment Weekly. As Whitta details, Vader’s presence in Rogue One was always the same, except in his original script (later revised by Chris Weitz, then Tony Gilroy), Vader kills a major character in the film, instead of the Rebel soldiers.

Director Orson Krennic was originally the target of Vader’s rage, and it was because of his failure to stop Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor from escaping with the plans (and living in the original script) that Vader force chokes him to death.

"He survived the blast and they pulled him up and brought him to the Star Destroyer to report to Vader. He’s all beat up, his cape’s all torn up and stuff, and he thinks he has survived."

According to Whitta, Krennic sees himself as a hero of the Empire, as someone who should be given congratulations and not a death sentence. It’s then, when Krennic is most comfortable in his position, that Vader reaches out with the Force and crushes his windpipe.

"Vader kills him for his failure"

This scene, however awesome as it may have been, wouldn’t have made much sense. How would Krennic survive the blast from the Death Star onto the surface if Scarif? Thankfully, we got the Vader scene we all needed and deserved.

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We want to hear from you: Which scene would you have preferred? Vader killing Krennic? Or, the scene we got: Vader killing the rebels? Let’s discuss in the comments below.