Entertainment Weekly reveals new details for Star Wars Rebels season 4


The hype is real for the final season of Star Wars Rebels, with Dave Filoni revealing new information to Entertainment Weekly…

Star Wars Rebels season 4 is returning to Disney XD on October 16, and when it does, the Ghost crew will make their final stand together against Imperial forces, leading directly into the events of Rogue One and Star Wars: A New Hope.

Disney has released the full 3:16 min trailer for the first part of season 4 of Rebels, and we dove in head first with our trailer screen-cap breakdown.

Anthony Breznican, the lead Star Wars correspondent at Entertainment Weekly, has the latest Rebels scoop, when he recently caught up with Dave Filoni — Co-creator and Executive Director for Rebels — where they discuss the state of the Rebellion, after their major defeat on Chopper Base in the season 3 finale.

"I don’t think of them at the end of season 3 as too victorious, as much as they just got away. They lost a lot of resources, they lost the initiative to have an attack to free the world of Lothal or knock out the Imperial factory there. In the end, yes they got away, but that’s kind of all they got. Now they have a lot less."

One thing that we have to remember is that the first major victory for the Rebel Alliance doesn’t take place until the events of Rogue One and is shown within the opening crawl for A New Hope.

In a “what could have been” or “hypothetical scene” for season 4, we almost were given a scene with Vader, Krennic, and the Emperor in one room, but Filoni jokes that there would have been way too much cape just for one moment.

"I was imagining a shot with Vader and Krennic and the Emperor, but it’s like having a cape convention with those guys. Then you have Tarkin and Thrawn, and it starts too look like a Legion of Bad Guys. When you get too many bizarre Star Wars villains together, I don’t know if it works for me.”"

One character I’m really looking forward to is Legends baddie Rukh — voiced by Star Wars veteran Warwick Davis —  a character that is a true wild card and who will present major challenges for the rebels in season 4. Rukh will be tasked to kidnap the Ghost crew leader Hera. If Disney and Lucasfilm decide to take the same path as the Legends material, Thrawn will meet his death at the hands of his “loyal” bodyguard. Nevertheless, his presence will send a chill down your spine.

"“That character is always dark and creepy in the novels. Instead of big brawny brawlers, he’s someone who is smaller and lithe, and a little more interesting. He’s very cunning and wicked."

Another intriguing character is one of the “good guys” in  Saw Gerrera, who at the time of Rebels season 4, how has gone down a very dark path. After the death of his sister on his home planet of Onderon during The Clone Wars, Saw has been gradually spiraling out of control for nearly two decades now, when he finally hits rock bottom by the events of Rebels season 4 and in Rogue One.

"Saw’s always seeking his own path, and he’s certain of the evil the Empire’s up to and there can be no peace. He’s been pushed even further down that path of belief. He looks at someone like Ezra and Kanan and thinks, ‘What a wasted resource.’ He fought with the Jedi in the Clone Wars, so he knows what they’re capable of."

Next: 50 Most Memorable Moments from Star Wars Rebels

Filoni was asked by Breznican if Rebels ends with the Battle of Scarif in Rogue One, but the always elusive veteran director gives us what he always does, another rabbit trail.

"I’d love to tell you, but that would give up a lot."

All paths come together when Star Wars Rebels Season 4 premieres Monday, October 16, on Disney XD.