Legends of Luke Skywalker novel available one month early at NYCC


Want to know what the legendary Jedi Master Luke Skywalker was up to before the events of The Last Jedi? You can find out those details one month earlier than anticipated….

If you venture into Star Wars canon material to find the scoop on the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker between the events of Return of the Jedi and The Last Jedi, only pain will you find. With the exception of the Shattered Empire comic, and few vague references in Leia centered novels, there is not much on the now isolated Jedi Master.

As part of the Journey to The Last Jedi, one of the final novels before the anticipated film’s release is Legends of Luke Skywalker, a novel that tells tales from characters who have heard stories of the Jedi hero growing up.

"As a cargo ship rockets across the galaxy to Canto Bight, the deckhands on board trade stories about legendary Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. But are the stories of iconic and mysterious Luke Skywalker true, or merely tall tales passed from one corner of the galaxy to another? Is Skywalker really a famous Jedi hero, an elaborate charlatan, or even part droid? The deckhands will have to decide for themselves when they hear The Legends of Luke Skywalker. A collection of myths and tall tales about the legendary Jedi Luke Skywalker"

The novel isn’t due to release until November, but if you happen to be in the Big Apple and venturing to New York Comic Con, you can pick it up now!

We don’t expect to get any huge reveals in this novel, but we may get a few surprises along the way, and who knows, maybe an appearance from Ben Solo (now known as Kylo Ren), or a visit from the Force ghosts of Jedi past.

With the upcoming Skywalker novel being the one I’ve been eyeing the most for quite some time, here are my top 10 favorite canon novels to date, and I expect to add Luke’s tales to this list very soon.

  1. Tarkin
  2. Lords of the Sith
  3. Bloodline
  4. Ahsoka
  5. From a Certain Point of View
  6. Dark Disciple
  7. Aftermath Trilogy
  8. Leia: Princess of Alderaan
  9. Inferno Squad
  10. Rogue One: Catalyst
  11. Lost Stars
  12. Thrawn
  13. A New Dawn
  14. Rebel Rising
  15. Phasma

Next: Star Wars Topps: Luke’s X-wing spotted on Ahch-To

Pre-Order Legends of Luke Skywalker here, or if you can’t wait until then, maybe you can get Han Solo to smuggle a copy for you from NYCC!