5 things we learned from The Last Jedi trailer


Now that newest trailer for The Last Jedi, has dropped, more questions have been raised than answers…

The long, dreaded six-month wait is over when The Last Jedi trailer was gifted to us after a brutal half of NFL football on ESPN last night. If you were on exile on Tatooine and missed the trailer, check it out:

Rian Johnson delivered, like J.J. Abrams before him, with the trailer giving us so much more to discuss the next two months. Now that you’ve watched it 100 more times, lets dive into five things we learned about The Last Jedi:

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm


These cute modern version of the Ewoks are now best buds with Chewbacca, with one adorable little guy co-piloting the Millennium Falcon. Who else wants to own a porg as their own household pet?

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

Luke Skywalker

Luke’s mental state. As we both heard and saw, Luke seem a to be worried about something. Whether it’s the First Order breathing down his back, or possibly he’s still reeling over the loss of Ben Solo to the Dark Side. Either way, something has gotten to him and it even visually showed that he was very scared of Kylo Ren, as well as the potential in Rey.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

General Leia

The potential fate of Leia Solo. As we see Kylo flying in his super sexy TIE Silencer , we get what looks to be a glimpse of the possible last moments of General Organa’s life. As Kylo is bearing down upon the ship he is assaulting, he targets the front where it seems to hold the General herself. Kylo hasn’t a moment of thought then the trailer shifts. Does he end up firing and killing the other parent to further solidify his path toward the dark side? We will find out in December.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm


Rey and her temptation. The last seconds of the trailer are possibly the most important. Rey is talking about needing someone to show her the path she is supposed to be on. It’s then that Kylo sticks a hand out towards her in a sign of trust. That he will show her the path that she must take. Is this what Luke is so scared of? Are both Rey and Ben falling towards the dark?

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm


Finn is actually pretty bad ass. We know from previous spoilers that Finn and Rose sneak into a First Order location. We don’t know what their mission is but as we can tell by this new trailer that something either goes really good or equally as bad, considering the explosions going on we can hopefully assume it’s caused by the duo. We also did get to see a glimpse of Finn fighting Phasma, a fight that could potentially only have one survivor.

Next: Where can I buy tickets for The Last Jedi?

Any further questions will have to be held until the movie hits the theaters this December, or we can have fun speculating in the meantime. Tell us yours in the comments below and on our social media pages.