A closer look at the Solo: A Star Wars Story Super Bowl trailer


A teaser for Solo: A Star Wars Story debuts during the Super Bowl. Let’s take a closer look.

Was it good for you? It was certainly good for me. The Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser drops during the Super Bowl, and it delivers. For now, that is. With a full-length trailer due out tomorrow, we’ll finally have answers to all our Han Solo questions.

Solo: A Star Wars Story was riddled with production problems from the start, beginning with rumors of Alden Ehrenreich needing an acting coach surfaced. While screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan was feuding with former directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller.  

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

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Lord and Miller fell behind the production schedule, so Ron Howard was brought in to replace co-directors of the project. It seemed as if the writing was on the wall for Solo. Would this be Disney’s first Star Wars bust?

The trailer gives us feel for the movie and we like what we’re seeing so far.

In the brief trailer, we got a great feel for the aesthetics of the film. We also got a good glimpse of the cast in all their Star Wars glory. Although it is still a bit troubling that we didn’t get much of Alden Ehrenreich. However, we’re sure to get that when the full-length trailer drops tomorrow.

The footage gave us a look at film’s dark and gritty feel. This falls right into line with Han Solo’s scoundrel past. Also, it looks as if the Lucasfilm story is taking the story elements they like from Star Wars Legends — with Han Solo enrolling in the Imperial Academy/Navy is right in line with his former canon origin story.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

We also get a peak of a pristine Millenium Falcon. It definitely gives us the impression that Han and Chewie will put some serious mileage on the Falcon between the end of this movie and when we see them again in A New Hope. We can only imagine that the scene with Han and Chewie at the tail end of the trailer occurs after Han is discharged from the Empire.

Maybe, just maybe we were worried for no reason at all.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm

This teaser certainly quells any fears much of the fanbase had in regards to this film. Another thing to remember is that the film has an excellent cast. Plus, some guy named Ron Howard came in to direct and get the film back on track for a May 2018 release. Maybe there was no reason to be worried in the first place.

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We’ll only know for sure May 25, 2018, when Solo: A Star Wars Story debuts worldwide.