Solo: A Star Wars Story: Here’s what Mark Hamill thinks about Solo criticism

Here’s what Mark Hamill thinks about the Solo: A Star Wars Story criticism.

Mark Hamill is one of the most endearing human beings on this planet, and I love watching interviews with him! I know this particular interview is an old one, but Mark’s words seem more pertinent than ever as the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story draws near and the Star Wars fan base becomes more and more divided over the film.

Back in February of this year, Mark Hamill himself spoke briefly with Entertainment Tonight about the upcoming Solo film and all of the criticism it has received. In the interview, the interviewer asks Mark Hamill what he thinks about the divisiveness that has switched from Star Wars: The Last Jedi over to Solo: A Star Wars Story. In response, Mark Hamill’s eyes widen in mock shock, and he says:

There’s divisiveness?!

And after saying this, he rolls his eyes dramatically (I love that pretty much everything Mark Hamill does is done dramatically. What a class act!). He goes on to point out that:

"“This is the only franchise where you go on Twitter and they say: ‘if such and such happens I am so out!’ So now they’re speculating about things they don’t want to see. It surprises me, but look you can’t please everybody”"

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Well put, Mark Hamill. You can’t please everybody. The truth is, this movie won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. That’s fine. But, it shouldn’t become this ugly, divisive thing that tears the fandom apart. I believe that as a fandom, we should be better than that.

So, what did Mark Hammill have to say about the trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story and his feelings about the upcoming film?

He said that he loved the way the trailer looked! He tells the interviewer that:

"“The trailer makes you want to see the movie and I’m dying to see it. So, it worked.”"

If you want to hear more of what Mark Hamill had to say about the film and the controversy surrounding Alden Ehrenreich’s portrayal of Han Solo, go ahead and watch the video for yourself.

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So, who, like Mark Hamill and us here at Dork Side of the Force, is excited to see Solo: A Star Wars Story when it comes out on May 25? Give the upcoming film some love in the comments!