Carrie Fisher will appear in Star Wars Episode IX from past footage


With the cast and crew of Episode IX announced, how will Star Wars say goodbye to Carrie Fisher?

Star War’s untitled Episode IX is schedule to start shooting on August 1 with a December 2019 scheduled release.  With each installment of the sequel trilogy  focusing on one of the original trilogy’s heroes passing on the torch to the new generation, Episode IX was supposed to be Carrie Fisher’s time to shine. 

Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill both dominated the screen in Episodes VII and VIII, respectively, before bidding farewell to their characters.

Unfortunately, as we all know, Fisher passed away in December 2016.  However with the announcement of Episode IX’s cast, we’ve learned the Leia may still yet receive a proper onscreen exit. J.J. Abrams, writer and director of Episode IX, has announced some unused footage from The Force Awakens will be used to tie in a proper end for Princess Leia.  Abrams stated in a release from Lucasfilm:

"“Finding a truly satisfying conclusion to the Skywalker saga without her eluded us. We were never going to recast, or use a CG character. With the support and blessing from her daughter, Billie, we have found a way to honor Carrie’s legacy and role as Leia in Episode IX by using unseen footage we shot together in Episode VII.”"

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How this will play out will be one of the more interesting aspects of the production. It is, however, reassuring no other actress will play the role in Episode IX. Fisher is beloved by the fans, and although this was not the exit we were looking forward to, hopefully it will honor her work in the franchise and her spirit.

The best bet would be the former Princess and now General would die fighting to save the resistance. Most likely she’ll be dishing out orders from a command center, and sacrificing herself so that others can live on to fight another day. It would be a fitting end for someone who always put her life on the line for the sake of restoring the republic.

light. Related Story. Star Wars Episode IX cast will include Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher

It would be fitting that Fisher’s last onscreen moments be just that. She often fought with writers and directors about her character’s lines, looks, and actions. And all the battles she eventually won on set and during production were to help produce the best film possible.

Star Wars Episode IX is schedule to release in December 2019.