Was Star Wars: The Clone Wars too graphic? One actor thinks so

When Star Wars: The Clone Wars was canceled in 2013, Disney said it would go in another direction, but was the show too graphic for the mouse company?

Even though Star Wars: The Clone Wars was saved, there was a reason the popular animated show was taken off the air.

Apparently, it was getting too graphic, said Daniel Logan. Logan, who voiced Boba Fett, said this while at London Comic Con, according to Comicbook.com.

"“Disney, they cancelled it, I think it was getting a little too graphic – actually, it was really graphic,” he said. “Boba was doing some really, really cool stuff. He started actually becoming a bounty hunter.”"

It definitely seems plausible. Disney has a reputation to uphold as a family friendly company. But it is also putting out a product with the word “wars” in the main title.

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And, yes, Star Wars: The Clone Wars did get dark. People died. A lot of people died. A LOT OF PEOPLE DIED! But part of what made The Clone Wars so good is that the stakes were high. There were certain character you knew made it through because of they were in the films, but others were not guaranteed to make it.

It showcased what war can really do, and that no is safe.

While it was a cartoon, it was geared toward adults, which probably was why it didn’t fit into the Disney brand at the time. So what changed?

Likely, money. With Disney’s new streaming service coming next year, it will need original content. One of the best ways to kick off the service would be by bringing back a favorite that die hard fans have clamored for.

The Clone Wars saved also meant Disney streaming service saved. While The Mandalorian won’t likely be out until late 2019, Star Wars fans need something to bring them to the streaming service.

So while Star Wars: The Clone Wars may have been too graphic for TV, it’s not too graphic when it comes to making money.