Star Wars: Werner Herzog teases his role in The Mandalorian


Filmmaker Werner Herzog has a role in Star Wars’ The Mandalorian, and he teases a bit about it in a recent interview.

With not much to go on about The Mandalorian, actor/director/producer Werner Herzog gave a little tease in what his role will be in the live-action Star Wars series.

Herzog isn’t widely known for his acting, though he has done more of that as of recently. Instead, he has helmed a number of different pictures giving a glimpse into his mind. It comes as no surprise that he would want only a specific type of role and get that.

In an interview with IndieWire, Herzog teased just what that role would look like in The Mandalorian when asked about his recent acting stints:

"Yes, I did some more now. Now this is not a secret anymore, a small part, real small part, in “The Mandalorian,” the Star Wars sequel or whatever you call it. I like to do it because I know I’m good on screen, but only if I have to play a real villain."

So what can we take away from Herzog’s quote? There’s a couple of things:

He’s not a good guy

That’s the easy take away but it is important. While Pablo Pascal is playing the titular Mandalorian, it could be speculated that Herzog will be his antagonist. They will not be fighting on the same side.

It looks as though Herzog only wants to be a villain — in whatever form that may be — but it is important especially considering the concept of Star Wars relies on good versus evil.

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He has a “small” role

This one is a little more tricky because it offers no context. By small role, he could mean a couple of things. It could mean small in the sense that his role is insignificant. He could play a bounter hunter with a vicious streak, but is taken out early just to show the challenges the Mandalorian faces.

Or by small part he could mean he didn’t have many scenes. That could actually mean he is THE bad guy. As the leader of an opposing group, he may not have as many scenes because how many leaders do you know get their hands dirty.

It could be similar to Paul Bettany’s role in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Bettany play Dryden Vos, but appeared in two parts of the movie while the rest of the crew were on their mission throughout most of the flick.

Given the status of Herzog and the clout Disney threw behind his name as appearing in The Mandalorian, I’m hopeful that it’s the second option.

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The Mandalorian is expected to air later this year on Disney’s streaming service.