Star Wars: Obi-Wan saw sequel trilogy events while fighting Darth Vader

Star Wars: A Certain Point of View has an Obi-Wan Kenobi scene where he sees into the future of moments from the sequel trilogy.

In 2017’s Star Wars: A Certain Point of View book, it goes through what was running through various characters minds during certain times. One that really stood out is that of Obi-Wan Kenobi as he seems to have seen everything unfold up to The Rise of Skywalker.

But it’s important to keep in mind that this book isn’t actually canon. It’s written by several authors who are writing about scenes of moments from specific point of views, which means the story can be biased based on the one that is telling it.

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In the Kenobi story, moments after Darth Vader struck him down and as he was becoming one with the Force ,the great Jedi had a series of flashes:

"“Is this power? This is torture? I am like a leaf tossed in a storm. The present and the past crashing together. I can no longer tell what is real, and what is a distant memory brought into sharp relief.”“Luke is safe.”“Luke is in danger.”“I am on Tatoonie.”“I am on the battle station.”“It shouldn’t be like this. This is not what Yoda promised me. I am being overwhelmed. The past, the present, even the future. I see things that are not yet to be. Leia slumped beside a console, her heart breaking, Captain Solo falling so very far. Evil triumphant, and then vanquished, and then rising again. And worst of all, Luke, as I am now, an old man, his face creased, his eyes haunted. He’s cut off from those who love him, consumed by regret and sorrow. Its is too much to bear, I future I never want to see.”"

It is not the fact Obi-Wan was powerful Jedi. It is the fact he saw all the events of the sequel trilogy the moment after the lightsaber went through him.

From a certain point of view will make you fall in love with Star Wars even more.

While this was written with the opportunity to include moments from the sequel trilogy (since The Force Awakens came out in 2015), it’s well worth the read just to see the different elements. This is more of a book for the sheer entertainment value and not one to be parsed for clues or information related to canon.

But pick up the book when you get a chance because it will make you fall in Star Wars all over again.