Star Wars: What comics are new this week July 17?


Just what will Doctor Aphra get herself into this week? Check out what she’s up to in the latest new Star Wars comic this week.

Two new Star Wars comics his the shelves this week, including a fan favorite.

Doctor Aphra returns as she sets out on a new devastating arc. Let’s gets the details on the new Star Wars comics for this week.

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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra No. 34

Doctor Aphra recently found herself out of one giant mess where she had to be near Triple Zero or else she would die — to only find herself in another mess. This one way more emotional.

Aphra is on the planet where she grew up, which you know is going to bring up plenty of memories and people she would rather not deal with. But she needs to get through this mess — only to likely find herself in another one.

She’s good at that.

Here is Marvel Comics’ synopsis on Doctor Aphra No. 34:

"‘UNSPEAKABLE REBEL SUPERWEAPON’ CONTINUES! Hiding out on the world where she grew up, everyone’s favorite scoundreless, DOCTOR APHRA, takes a trip down memory. NB: Turns out memory lane is a hellhole covered in the agonizing thermal landmines of emotional honesty and family dysfunction. NB (2): Also bounty hunters. Lots and lots of bounty hunters."

Star Wars: Tie Fighter No. 4. Photo credit: Tommy Lee Edwards/Marvel Comics

Star Wars: Tie Fighter No. 4

The Tie Fighter miniseries is part of a larger overall story. We got some of it in Alphabet Squadron where we learned some about Shadow Wing, but not a lot. Just enough to keep us wanting more.

After reading Alphabet Squadron, it’s interesting to see the other side of the battle. While the Empire is evil from the top down, it’s also easy to forget these are just people on the other side. Going from living a normal life to being part of an army isn’t so easy as making a choice one day to be bad.

There are small little choices, ignoring other little things until one day you’re in so deep you don’t know how to get out.

Tie Fighter No. 4 is also the fourth issue of a five-part series.

Here is Marvel Comics synopsis on Tie Figther No. 4:

"A NEW MISSION! A betrayal from one of their own! Is the squadron even ready to fly again after so many losses? And who are these new pilots who think they’re good enough to join the ranks of SHADOW WING?"

Next. Star Wars comics: Age of Resistance Captain Phasma No. 1: Fallen guns (REVIEW). dark

What new Star Wars comic are you picking up this week?