When is Star Wars Resistance Season 1 on DVD release?

The Star Wars Resistance Season 1 DVD is coming soon. Get the details on when you can own it.

Star Wars Resistance Season 1 had its up and down, but the series ended on such a high note that we are eagerly awaiting the next season.

If you want to relive the the whole first season, you will get your chance soon as the Star Wars Resistance Season 1 DVD comes out on August 20. It’s already available for pre-sale on Target and other sites.

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The reveal comes via Target with a cover reveal of art we have seen before.

According to the description, the DVD includes all 21 episodes and 12 shorts. There may be more available on the DVD, but that info hasn’t been released yet.

Some of the highlights of the first season included Synara’s Song, The Platform Classic as well as most of the second half of the season. Plus the great performances from Christopher Sean Kaz Xiono, Suzie McGrath as Tam, Scott Lawrence as Yeager, and so many more are things you won’t want to miss.

Star Wars Resistance was a good inclusion into the canon — the show was even nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Children’s Television Show. While some of the stories were a bit dark, especially when Hosnian Prime was destroyed, it was still a show that adults and children could watch together.

We even got some of out prequel series stars with Poe Dameron playing a pivotal role in Kaz’s growth as well as Kaz helping Poe discover secrets of the First Order. Captain Phasma also showed up while we got a Kylo Ren name drop.

Get the Star Wars Resistance Season 1 DVD on August 20.