Star Wars fans voted on a recent poll asking which creature from The Last Jedi they prefer. Their choices were between the Porgs and the Vulptex and a winner has been declared!
One of the many reasons Star Wars appeals to fans over the span of generations is the creativity and imagination behind the characters. Whether they be creatures living on Tatooine or the Jedi themselves, the characters often tell a larger story about the environment they live in and provide the possibilities for future stories.
With that in mind, I decided it was time to run another poll and take a look at what the Star Wars fans think about two creatures, new to the Star Wars Universe. I ran three polls, two on Facebook and one on Twitter asking fans which Stars Wars creature they preferred from The Last Jedi.
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The choices were between the cuddly Porgs or the shiny Vulptex. The results surprised me somewhat. On one Facebook poll it was a tie, with both Porgs and the Vulptex at 50% each with 46 votes. However, on the second Facebook poll found on the Dork Side of the Force Facebook page, the Porgs won at 61% as opposed to the Vulptex at 39% with 906 votes.
Lastly, the Twitter poll presented similar results with the Porgs at 68% and the Vulptex at 33% with 80 votes. Which makes the winner the Porgs!
For some, including myself, the ultimate winner was no surprise. The porgs are everywhere melting the hearts of children and adults alike! They are by no means very cute and cuddly in their design from their little rounded bodies, to their feet and unmistakable big eyes.
When I asked fans to comment, if they’d like, the reasons behind their vote I received a variety of responses about the porgs. Some simply voted for the Vulptex because they couldn’t stand the porgs while others found them to be pretty cool creatures.

I’ve mentioned the Vulptex in my Why LEGO needs to create a Vulptex, but as a quick refresher, the fox-like Vulptex live on the mineral planet Crait, with a coat of white crystalline. They made their appearance towards the end of The Last Jedi which immediately clarifies why some might not even know what a Vultpex is.
Porgs, on the other hand, are, “hypercurious, cliff-dwelling creatures” living on the planet Ahch-To where lo and behold Luke Skywalker resided. Throughout Rey’s Jedi training, the porgs captured our attentions by waddling in the background, interacting with Chewbacca and even investigating Luke’s lightsaber.
The Star Wars Wiki Wookieepedia page explains that “Porgs, both wild and domesticated alike, were unusually smitten by human objects, and found shiny objects very fascinating. Porgs shared a common ancestry with the Lanai, both having evolved from seabirds on Ahch-To.”
To be fair the porgs are more popular with merchandising. I have yet to see an actual Vulptex toy aside from a Funko Pop! However, I am hoping to see some at Disneyland and Walt Disney World’s Galaxy’s Edge. With any luck, they might become popular too.
But for now, the porgs take the spotlight. As always thank you to everyone who participated and shared the poll!
What do you think of the poll results? Do you think the porgs will return in future Star Wars stories? Leave your answers in the comment section below!