Star Wars: 5 epic moments from The Mandalorian trailer

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Star Wars The Mandalorian
Pedro Pascal is The Mandalorian in the Disney+ series THE MANDALORIAN. /

The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian history is extensive. Upon doing some research I find myself almost getting lost in all the details of their rich history.

More from The Mandalorian

Star Wars itself is very rich and extensive which is why the stories can live on and grow without the worry of an expiration date.

The Mandalorian will be my first real exposure to the bounty hunters outside of Boba Fett and Jango Fett. I wouldn’t be surprised if that will be the case for other fans too. While I do have a lot of ground to cover, I truly look forward to the show.

I cannot think of one aspect of the trailer that I disliked. In fact, I found it could almost pass as a film trailer.  I think the show will take a very different path from what we’ve seen recently. Star Wars seems to focus on defeating another Empire or creating another prequel for already well-known characters and stories.

I want to see where the Mandalorian will go. I want to see the life of a bounty hunter. I want to see all of his gadgets and weapons. I want to know what else lies in the galaxy. Good and bad.

There are many questions that need to be answered and I look forward to watching and finding them.

Fans can watch The Mandalorian trailer on YouTube here. Don’t forget to mark your calendars and stay posted to Dork Side of the Force for more about The Mandalorian.

“Bounty hunting is a complicated profession.”  That may be true but someone has to do it.

Next. The Star Wars Little Golden Book “We are the Resistance” is available for pre-order. dark

Will you be watching The Mandalorian? What was your favorite part of the trailer? Leave your answers in the comment section below! I’d love to read them!