Star Wars: Leia and Rey discuss Kylo Ren in scene we’ve been waiting for

General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) in STAR WARS: EPISDOE IX
General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) in STAR WARS: EPISDOE IX /

Leia and Rey talk about Kylo Ren and what it would take to bring him in back in a excerpt from the Star Wars novel Resistance Reborn.

Ahead of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, there will be an animated series, many comics and books – especially books. One of the biggest things we are looking forward to is Resistance Reborn because it will have the most information about the movie characters and explain what happened directly after The Last Jedi.

Star Wars released an excerpt from the book written by Rebecca Roanhorse, which will come out on November 5.

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The passage was short, but it was a doozy. It’s a scene between Rey and Leia, and everything I love about Star Wars novels is shown so clearly in the excerpt. While we see so much on film, it’s those added layers of internal dialogue that we cannot get anywhere else.

In the excerpt Rey and Leia discuss Kylo Ren. They had to eventually talk about it since these two are now in close quarters on the Millennium Falcon.

Rey has had more interaction with Kylo than Leia has had in years. They both see the conflict and the light in him, but, so far, neither has been able to get through to him.

Yet, Leia – with all her wise years of victory and heartache – knows a lesson that can only be taught after going through it. She knows Kylo cannot be saved if he doesn’t want to be.

The only person who can bring Ben Solo back is himself.

Here’s the part that sticks out:

"Rey’s face fell, and Leia could see the pain etched there. The girl cared about Ben, and he had disappointed her. “Ben has made his choices,” Leia said. “No one can save Ben but himself. And I don’t know if that is what he wants.”"

That’s also an important lesson for Rey to learn. Who doesn’t want to be a savior? The one who brings Kylo Ren back from the brink of darkness?

No one can because it will require Kylo Ren deprogramming all of that Snoke has done and also finally making the choice that the darkness is not what he wants.

The scene is really sad too because in those words we hear the pain and the ache and the exhaust from years of fighting for Leia. After the injuries she sustained in The Last Jedi, Leia is still fighting and the lynchpin to the Resistance.

She’s able to take moments to remember Han and the little things he would do to make her happy, but never getting to see him again. Leia spends that time talking about her son who turned his back on her.

There is so much happening in this layered passage that it certainly makes it feel that Resistance Reborn is a must-read.

Read the full passage here.

Everything happening before The Rise of Skywalker. dark. Next

Resistance Reborn hits bookstores on November 5.