Star Wars: 5 things we want to see from Jedi: Fallen Order

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Photo: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in-game screenshot.. Courtesy EA Press
Photo: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in-game screenshot.. Courtesy EA Press

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Stick to your guns

The very last point I want to raise is a plea to Respawn Entertainment themselves. When the title was announced, Respawn committed to “no loot boxes, no microtransactions”. In 2019, from a publisher somewhat pioneering ways to monetise games after you’ve already dropped £50/$60 on the software (see FIFA/Madden Ultimate Team or the entire build up to Battlefront II), this is pretty big.

But, please, don’t add loot boxes and microtransactions post-launch. We’ve seen Activision do this with a number of their popular titles over the past few months, and it’s a pretty disgusting practice.

It means the game doesn’t carry a warning of microtransactions on its case in stores, and it means even unsuspecting parents would wake up with a credit card bill as long as their arm because little Timmy wants Cal to have a purple Lightsaber.

What it does mean is that we, the consumer, are almost being forced to buy the game to ensure that EA see “this sort of thing” is what we want, but it’s at least a step in the right direction. While no formal DLC has been announced, it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that this is the manner in which EA plan on monetising the game post-purchase. However, if it’s compelling enough, and IF Jedi Fallen Order offers a complete experience from day one, then I’m sure people will be interested.

If nothing else, release a mode where you get to play as BD-1 for six hours. I’d buy that a thousand times over.

What are you hoping to see from the game? Jedi Fallen Order releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, on November 15th.