Star Wars: Daisy Ridley describes The Rise of Skywalker in four words

How would Daisey Ridley describe Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? She had four words for it.

Daisy Ridley picked four words to describe Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and we are going to look at them to decipher what they could possibly mean for the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga.

Ridley, who plays Rey, was asked by Entertainment Weekly to describe the movie in three words. But she gave four.

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Dark. Scary. Sad. Joyful.

Let’s take at a look at each adjective.


Could she be alluding to just Dark Rey? We think that’s part of it. Rey doesn’t seem to be in a great place following the events of The Last Jedi. She lost her mentor. She tried to get Kylo Ren to return to Ben Solo, and most of the Resistance is gone. The events of The Last Jedi were a huge failure for the Resistance.

Even though there is a time jump between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, there are still wounds that will need to heal. If you read the comics or Resistance Reborn, you can see that Rey is dealing with internal struggles.

She wasn’t prepared for this type of challenge and is coming to terms with it all. That will take time and that journey could certainly lead down a very dark path.


Look, Palpatine is back. He is scary.

But the other thing that is also scary is that the fate of the galaxy is in balance. There is so much riding on what will happen with Palpatine and his apparent return that the way forward is not clear.

That is very scary.


With it being the finale of the Skywalker Saga and the war to determine the fate of the galaxy, we are probably going to lose some beloved characters. The obvious person seems to be Leia since Carrie Fisher has passed and many of the original characters were killed in previous films.

No matter how heroic or well done Leia’s death will be, it is going to heart wrenching.


You can’t have a hero’s journey without the positive outcome in the end.

Even with all the struggles, the losses and battles, there is always hope. Hope can lead to joy.

So while the end of an era may be upon us with The Rise of Skywalker, there is still joy in knowing we got to witness a great story. But also that our heroes did everything they could to fight for the light.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20 worldwide.