Star Wars: 10 alien species that need their own hero story

Photo: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983).. .. © Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
Photo: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983).. .. © Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved. /
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5. Sullusten

Let’s just call this what it is—Nien Nunb fever. I have rewatched a lot of scenes, rewinded to see them over and over. No scene is more repeated than Nien Nunb laughing his flappy head off in the co-pilot seat of the Millennium Falcon.

When you dig in to what the Sullusten race was all about, though, you see the makings of a heroic character in the making. They were inquisitive, explorative and adventurous to a fault. They were also early pioneers in perfecting the lightsaber. They are your typical “good guys” and thus set themselves up brilliantly for a sympathetic take on their advances in the admirable fields of science, technology and medicine, and the forces that opposed them.

Nien Nunb was the forbearer of these notions of innate goodness, as he was a part of the Rebellion before his people officially declared for them. So while he may be a rather obscure character in the grand scheme, I would like to officially cast my vote for a story about Nien Nunb, laugher extraordinaire.