Anakin’s fall was always a given, but could his wife Padmé have been able to prevent his fall to the Dark Side or have been capable of bringing him back to the light?
For years, Star Wars fans have always questioned whether Padmé would’ve been able to turn Anakin back to the light side or have been able to prevent his fall. After watching Star Wars Explained’s weekly Q&A video, I thought I would give my answer to whether it was possible to either of these situations.
I’m going to cover how far gone Anakin was by the time Padmé found out and if she had known sooner, could she have done something to prevent his fall altogether.
What Padmé knew about Anakin’s previous dark deeds
Padmé was well aware that Anakin had committed dark crimes that would’ve started his fall to the dark side. He even confessed to her that he had massacred an entire Tusken Raider village to avenge his mother, leaving no one alive.
She could have reported him to the Jedi Council, but she didn’t as she knew he was grieving. Also, she’d fallen in love with him by this point and there was no way she would’ve betrayed his trust. Padmé knew better than to interfere with something that had nothing to do with her. She allowed Anakin to work through his struggles on his own but was always there if he needed someone to talk to.
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During the early days of the Clone Wars, Chancellor Palpatine informed the senator that her husband had been accused of kidnapping Jabba the Hutt’s infant son. Knowing this wasn’t true, she went to Ziro in an attempt to clear the air but her mission almost failed. Also, she was aware of Anakin’s history with the Hutt clans as he and his mother had once been sold as slaves to Gardulla. If Padmé had not stepped in when she had, there would’ve been bloodshed.