12. General Leia Organa
How could we have a dinner party and not invite Leia? A princess, a general, and a role model for all generations. Not to mention, we miss Carrie Fisher and would love to have her over for the holiday season.
If you happen to have a dysfunctional family, something she understands, she’ll help you handle any issues that might arise. She’s a take-charge type of woman, so don’t be too surprised if she starts delegating tasks to you to make the event a success. How could the daughter of Padmé Amidala not show up in style? Leia may be a General now, but she will always be our princess and she shows up in a sweater fit for one. The sweater goes nicely with those Corusca gem earrings she’s wearing. Maybe they once belonged to her mother.
Without a doubt, Leia will judge you if your holiday decorations aren’t perfect. She was used to celebrating Life Day with Bail and Breha Organa on Alderaan. Just in case you’re running low, she stowed a few extra baubles in her things to gift you with.
Once things have settled down, Leia would absolutely be the life of the party, especially with the next invitee in attendance. Luke and Leia never had the opportunity to experience a sibling rivalry as kids, so now they will be making up for lost time over a rousing game of Pictionary. Yes, that’s right. Leia is an excellent communicator, so it’s no wonder that she excels at a game like Pictionary.